The J.J. Scheckel Angus program is strictly focused on breeding, promoting, and improving, a type of power-cow that is of super high-capacity: big-barreled, big-boned, big-footed, extra-wide, long, thick, and deep, while being balanced in her look and possessing original Angus breed character. She is solid and sound, she possesses the perfect udder, perfect feet, easy fleshing, all in a moderate frame size.
These are the kind and type of base cows that stand up in our tough environment, while delivering the extra thick and heavy-weight calves we seek, and our customers seek, at weaning and beyond.
The breeding bulls created from our cow herd will go on to make calves for our commercial cattlemen customers, that will wean extra pounds, then go to the feedlot, and perform among the top in the industry on both gain, and grade, with the genetic ability to meet high-quality standards and earn premiums for our customers.
The heifer calves retained from these breeding bulls will carry forward the genetics to replicate these traits of economic importance in ensuing generations to come.
To move the needle forward for real improvement, we must realize that everything created, for generations to come, is a by-product of that seedstock cow, she has got to be nothing less than great in all the relevant traits of importance. This is more than growth alone, more than carcass alone, more than milking ability alone, she has to be the complete balanced package, or any short-sighted gain for one segment of the industry will be short lived and a loss for another segment.
Thanks for looking at our program!

The Mission for Our Customers
Our mission is simple – to breed the highest-performing, maternally-focused, good-doing, registered Black Angus bulls in the industry, for our commercial cattlemen customers, who can purchase J.J. Scheckel breeding bulls to improve their own herds and profits, whether they are selling their calf crops at weaning, finished on the rail, or retaining heifers.
We add value to our customer’s herds, through time-tested genetics that will add fast growth, pounds, carcass value, efficiency and durability into our customer’s calf crops. When customers purchase from J.J. Scheckel, they are buying more than just animals or bulls, they are investing into our ongoing program to produce the most profitable Angus genetics in the country.
We encourage customers to run their cattle operations like they run their crops, it’s about yield, while carefully measuring inputs and outputs. Would many operators this day and age plant a brown-bag, generic seed corn? Not too many. Why risk a calf crop while using bulls of unproven merit?
Make the most of what you’ve got- use high-profiled, tested, accurate, registered Angus breeding bulls from proven bloodlines, to increase yields and profits within your cattle operation. Good bulls pay, they don’t cost.
Besides selling seedstock, we are here to offer some of the best warranties, deliveries, and customer service the industry has to offer.
If we can help you in any matter, please feel free to call, email or text us at any time!
Our Program Highlights
- 100% DNA tested correct and accurate pedigrees and parentage
- Whole-herd registered American Angus Association
- Reporting member to the Angus Herd Improvement Program
- Twice yearly, whole-herd, complete vaccination program
- Herd Iowa State Tested yearly for Jonnies, and BVD PI
- 100% of all birth weights taken and recorded
- All weaning weights and hip heights recorded
- All yearling weights and hip heights recorded
- All scrotal measurements recorded
- All pelvic measurements recorded
- Ultrasound measurements taken on all cattle
- We utilize embryo transfer heavily
- We cull extremely and critically hard for any animal that exhibits poor feet, legs, udders, fertility, poor performance or poor temperament.