We have a purebred herd of 250 registered Angus Cows and growing. We have been sending bulls to Midland, and other tests throughout the country, with great success for several years.
As angus breeders, we are focused on the traits of economic importance, like fast growth and carcass quality, while strictly maintaining the original breed character that made the Angus breed so great. The maternal strengths, fleshing ability, fertility, udders, and the overall cow power behind the bulls we offer here, is what we are most proud of.
View our awards and accolades below.

2024 Highlights
1st Place – Champion, Efficiency of Gain
3 of the Top 10 Bulls for Efficiency of Gain
9 Total Bulls selling with average 108 ratio as a group for Efficiency of Gain, 8% better than the test average as a group.

2019 Highlights
1st Place – Weight Per Day of Age
Sire group of 3
2nd Place – Average Daily Gain on Test
3rd Place – Midland Bull Test Index
JJ Scheckel Resource F529

- 1ST PLACE Ribeye Size against 697 bulls measured. Ultrasound adjusted at 15.9”, largest of all classes and breeds competing.
- 2ND PLACE Weight per day gain against Group 2 Angus Bulls.
- 3RD PLACE Weight per day gain against 697 bulls tested.
- 8TH Heaviest 365 Day weight bull of 697 bulls measured, 1.354 lbs.
- Member of the #1 WDA Sire Group.
- Member of the #2 ADG Sire Group.
JJ Scheckel Ten Speed F522

- 6TH PLACE Ribeye Size (Top 1%) of 697 bulls measured. Ultrasound adjusted at 15.2”.
- 6TH PLACE Marbling Intramuscular Fat (Top 1%) of 697 bulls scanned. Ultrasounded at 5.51% to ratio 136.
- 22ND PLACE Weight per day gain (Top 5%) of 697 bulls tested.
- Member of the #3 Midland Bull Test Index, sire group of 3.
- Member of the #2 ADG Sire Group
JJ Scheckel Resource F527

- 4TH PLACE Average Daily Gain on test, with final ADG of 4.07 lbs, to ratio 129, Group 2 Angus.
- 25TH PLACE Weight per day gain (Top 5%) of 697 bulls tested.
- Member of the #1 WDA Sire Group.
- Member of the #2 ADG Sire Group.
JJ Scheckel F525

- 3RD PLACE Ribeye Size, Top 1% of 697 bulls tested. Ultrasound adjusted at 15.5 inches.
- 24TH PLACE Weight per day gain, Top 5% of 697 bulls tested.
- Member of the #1 WDA Sire Group.
JJ Scheckel Resource F520

- 9TH PLACE Ribeye Size (Top 2%) of 697 bulls measured. Ultrasound adjusted at 14.9”.
- 36TH PLACE Feed Efficiency (Top 10%) of 697 bulls tested.
- Member of the #3 Midland Bull Test Index, Sire Group of 3.

2019 Highlights
1st Place – Average Daily Gain on Test
JJ Scheckel Allegiance F543